Gifted Referral Information

The identification process is ongoing throughout the school year. A student may be referred at any time by a parent, professional, divisionwide screening tool, or self-referral. PWCS uses a multi-criteria approach to identification. Balanced consideration is given to many factors, including aptitude test scores, academic achievement, parent and professional reports, and student work samples. No single criterion is used to determine a student’s eligibility. The gifted identification process begins with the completion of a referral form, available on the Gifted Education website or at your child’s school. 

If you are a parent, teacher, school staff member, or a community member, you may refer a student whom you believe is Gifted. Attached below is ID information and a referral form for the identification process. Also attached is a permission for evaluation form, which includes permission for intellectual aptitude testing. A parent or legal guardian must fill out this form. Forms can be returned to me, Mr. Craddock, in room 3092 or mailed to the school. For more information, the Prince William County Public Schools' Gifted referral information page is linked. Please feel free to ask me any questions. 
